Sunday, July 31, 2016

Day 314

I fear the day I
begin to forget the soft
color of your eyes.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Day 313

I know it's cliche to say
you were like a drug
and I became addicted to you
but your lips tasted like
bitter ecstasy
I knew it was wrong
but I always wanted more
and your whiskey-colored eyes
hypnotized me
and I felt knots in my stomach
if I looked away

maybe it's wrong to say
that you were my drug
and I was addicted to you
like the nicotine
in my first cigarette
that buried me with its
glowing embers and
acrid smoke 
so I won't say it
I'll only say I never thought
I could live a day without you

yet today I opened my eyes
and I have never felt more alive.

Day 312

I think you accidentally
stole my heart

keep it

you'll probably
treat it better
than I do anyway

Friday, July 29, 2016

Day 311

the air dances with the leaves
swinging branches
swaying softly

suspended in place
until gravity takes hold
the waltz ends with a curt bow

a curtsy to the ground
the branch bends and then breaks
making its mark on the soil from

where it was first planted
new life emerges from the ground
and reaches for the blue

using oxygen as a ladder
until the music begins
and the wind spins

breaking free its leaves
and watching them float
gently to the ground

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Day 310

you carried me gently in your hand
a pocket-sized disciple
nestled within the intricate lines on your palm

I was easy to love and so you loved me
wherever you walked
I was sure to follow

and you knew that all too well
because you walked straight for a cliff
and stopped at the edge

and watched me tumble
down down down
to where all your other followers lay

Day 309

The saddest part is
that I believed you--truly
I thought you would stay.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Day 308

I fell for you
the way most writers do

admiring small details
and poorly written haikus

people will think it's fiction
that I felt you in my veins
when my blood turned to ink
and you still consumed my brain 

I filled up each and every page
with all my love for you
of hyperboles and metaphors
the way most writers do

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Day 307

think of me as a rose
underneath the hot sun
curling my stem
towards you
and baring my soul

every part of me
that is beautiful
you will not see
until I am ready to
show you

my most private
thoughts and
letting them flutter
in the wind
only to drown
in the dewy grass

Day 306

a seed breaks through soil
to provide a resting place
for a bee

that ache in your temple
is words pounding on your skull
to break free

the sun rises every morning
to watch the moon sink
below the sea

books are doors to
other worlds but you first
must find the key 

if you only
open your eyes everything
will become poetry 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Day 305

as each day passes
she only gets weaker
hiding behind her hands
so no one can see her

she stands by the mirror
looking at a reflection
that betrays her mind
and confirms her imperfections

she becomes lost in the pages
that teach her to be happy 
and on the next reads an article
saying confidence is tacky

if she could only see
that we all feel the same
about the media using our bodies
like it's some sort of game

so we continue to rely on them
for the latest beauty tips
while millionaires sit back and laugh
as we fall for their tricks

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Day 304

Don't get me wrong, I'm an independent person. But I quite like the idea of waking up in the middle of the night with your arm wrapped around me. Not protecting me, just holding me.

And when I can't sleep, I get to admire you. I can hold my breath until our heart beats are in sync or maybe I can kiss the scar above your lip. I can count the freckles on your arms like I am an astronomer and your freckles are all of the stars in the sky. I can guess where your dreams are taking you by analyzing the crooked smile on your face.

And when I do fall asleep, I will dream about you, the last thing my eyes saw before I gave in to the exhaustion.

And when I wake up, the first thing I will see is you. Maybe you will still be sleeping soundly holding onto me, or maybe I will catch you admiring me, too.

Day 303

I saw her in you
when we passed on the street
I barely caught a glance of your face
while you watched your feet move
but I think your eyes might have
looked like hers

Then again
I also admired dark clouds
and sat on empty park benches
and felt cars flying past me
wind rushing into my ears
and I saw her in all of those things too

She is a part of everything I see.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Day 302

I can make words sing
when I place them
in a line
dancing merrily
side by side
sometimes they rhyme
sometimes they flow 
but they always
share a story
you want to know.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Day 301

I've never been very graceful
so imagine my surprise
when I suddenly began falling
for you
and I floated gently
into your arms 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Day 300

it is you I think
about when I wake and you
when I fall asleep

Day 299

I painted her on a canvas
an etched permanence

though time will pass
her beauty will remain

at the tip of a paintbrush
poignant and moving

slowly as to remember
every detail

of raised eyebrows
and nimble fingers

silently drowning
behind upturned lips

see the faint trace of a smile
if you lean in close

Friday, July 15, 2016

Day 298

If I am a fire
you are the match
igniting my warmth
so I can protect myself
from the outside

you make me feel
so alive

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Day 297

When the sun ceases to rise,
when the waves do not crash,
when the stars no longer shine,
that is when I will stop loving you

But if ever the earth remains dark
and the ocean sits calm
and the sky does not sparkle
even then I will be loving you.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Day 296

I knew it when
I looked into your eyes
and you were a million miles away

I knew it when
you looked at her
the way you used to look at me

I knew it when
you stopped promising
you would never hurt me

because we both knew you already had. 

Day 295: Toxic

I realized my heart
only wants you, craves you but
I do not need you.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Day 294

I decided to
forget you today
so I ripped the pages
from my journal
that were about you
and tossed them in a fire

I watched
red and orange flames
curl around each page
consuming words
I thought I could never surrender
to a pile of dust and ash

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Day 293

if we cannot see
yesterday, then why do you
bother looking back?

Friday, July 8, 2016

Day 292

home is no longer a place for me
it is warming up by the stone fireplace
beneath a childhood blanket
it is crisp pages of an old book
hidden behind dusty shelves
it is in the calming of your arms
my head cradled by your collarbone

home is wherever I need it to be

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Day 291

If the opportunity comes again
I will tell you the same thing
I have always said

no one could love you more than me
I gave you my heart
and you returned every piece

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Day 290

I heard a melody in the rhythm of your walk
and it sounded a lot like the beat of my heart
I saw words in the clouds hanging above me
and they looked a lot like framed poetry
I saw a reflection when I peered into your eyes
and it looked a lot like a girl falling in love

Day 289

sometimes I study the rain
I think about their journey from the clouds
and I wonder if they are scared
like I am scared
and I wonder if other people
see these things
as I do

I wonder if you think about the rain
and I wonder,
do you think about me?

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Day 288

If you lend me your heartI vow to not break it
I'll keep it safe within mine
so no one can take it

and if ever you are lost
with nowhere to roam
reach for my hand
and I'll guide you home

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Day 287

You said 'forever'
but you really meant 'until
there's someone better.'

Day 286

I thought I knew you better than anyone
but even I could not see your sword
plunging straight into my heart and
now I am paranoid
that he will hurt me like you did
I have lost the ability to open my arms
for someone else to hold because
every time I do
I await another dagger
to break the scar that has finally healed